Cymbals are ancient percussion instruments
Cymbals are ancient percussion instruments, which are slightly concave round plates made of a special alloy. The types used in drum kits are of indeterminate pitch and are called noise types. The equipment is not just a rounded flat surface, its shape is more complex than it seems.

Cymbal sounds are highly personal preference. Many jazz musicians prefer darker and more complex cymbal sounds, while rock drummers tend to lean towards brighter, louder sounds cutting through the band's sound mix. This is definitely worth considering when choosing the best Metal's сymbal.
High-quality impact discs are cast from different alloys, and the model costs depends on their composition. There are several of the most commonly used alloys, but they all contain copper in varying proportions:
- bell bronze;
- malleable bronze;
- brass alloy;
- Neusilber (contains copper, zinc, nickel).
Professional specimens, included in the TOP of the best, are usually expensive in price and are made partially or entirely by hand. Blanks are cast and forged, sound grooves are applied to the surface with a cutter. Popular models have a "tube" sound that is comfortable and warm to the perception. This is because handcrafted discs have a unique surface with unpredictable impacts during the forging process.
Until recently, it was only the drummer who decided exactly how to use the percussion instruments when playing. The division of basic cymbals into Ride and Crash has occurred only at the present time.
Ride patterns are used to guide the basic rhythm outline. Such a specimen has a thick edge and emits a long, sonorous sound, a little hissing. Some manufacturers make copies with mixed parameters - Ride / Crash or Crash / Ride. However, for metal the "classic" Ride is definitely the best option.
For loud music, choose a large and thick disc size. The most sought-after diameters for Rides are 18- 22, many manufacturers produce ranges from 16 to 26, but it is possible to find Rides up to 8 inches. If you are looking for an instrument for music in the metal style, a "medium type" cymbal would be a good option. The selection, as well as the parameters of the desired sound, not only for metalheads remains an individual matter.
The following parameters are included in the standard marking - series, weight, type and diameter of the tool. Having carefully studied all the features, you will easily understand which model is better to buy. For example: 14Custom Heavy Ride (14 - diameter, Custom - series name, Heavy - weight (heavy), Ride - type).
There are designations that indicate the specifics of the sound and help determine the choice. They can be individual for each manufacturer. The standard cymbal weight classification described above can be supplemented with the following markings: Studio - medium thin; Stage - Medium Heavy Rock - heavy; Power - heavy Metal is super heavy.
Sometimes explanatory adjectives are used to describe in more detail the characteristics of the instrument, which will help you choose a model for the style of music. However, the adoption of the truly Best Ride Cymbals for Metal is up to you.
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